How to start a PROFITABLE Blog Business in 2024

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How to start a PROFITABLE Blog Business in 2024

How to start a PROFITABLE Blog Business in 2024

Are you interested in starting a profitable blog in 2024? Whether you're new to blogging or looking to take your existing blog to the next level, this could be a life-changing opportunity for you. Blogging has transformed my life, and I now have two successful blogs that generate steady income every month. With this business, I can work from home, spend more time with my children, and enjoy the freedom of being my own boss. Plus, there's even the option of working in comfortable attire like PJs if desired!

However, it has taken me nearly a decade to reach this point. I often wish I could travel back in time and share all the knowledge I have gained about launching a successful blog with my past self. If only I had known then what I know now, I would have achieved my goals much faster and faced fewer setbacks and anxieties. Although it's not possible for me to assist my beginner blogger self in the past, I can certainly offer my guidance to YOU!

This post discusses starting a profitable blog in 2024. The author wishes they had read it in May 2015 when they began their blogging journey. It would have saved them time and helped them earn money sooner. Additionally, it would have prevented the author from making newbie mistakes that took years to fix.

This post is not a quick guide on how to create a blog in 30 minutes. It focuses on the comprehensive steps and timeline for starting a profitable blog. You will learn everything you need to do to start a profitable blog in 2024. The post provides a detailed schedule, week by week and day by day, for your first two weeks of blogging. By following this schedule, you will have a fully-fledged website with two blog posts written and plenty of ideas for future content.

Join the FREE #ProfitableBlog2024 challenge for a 7-week plan to set up your blog, write 8 high quality posts, improve SEO, promote effectively, build an email list, and grow your blog quickly. You'll receive a calendar to keep track of daily tasks.

During the first week, your focus will be on conducting research, planning, and setting up your blog. This involves building a solid foundation for your website and making it visually appealing. By the end of the week, you should have a fully operational website and be well on your way to achieving your goals of creating a profitable blog by 2024.

It's important to note that while I've assigned specific timeframes for each activity, you can adjust them according to your own pace. If it takes you more or less time to complete certain tasks, that's perfectly okay. Remember to track your progress using the provided plan as this can serve as motivation to keep moving forward.

On the first day, it is important to prioritize research and planning for your blog. Taking the time to thoroughly understand your topic and develop a strategic plan can prevent future mistakes and lead to a profitable blog. By dedicating some initial effort to this step, you can set a solid foundation for your blog's success.

On Day 2, you should begin by starting your blog. If you want to create a profitable blog in 2024, it is highly recommended to start a self-hosted WordPress blog. Although it's possible to make money with other types of blogs, it's significantly more challenging.

1. Select a hosting plan.

2. Purchase the chosen hosting plan.

3. Configure WordPress.

4. Bonus step: Reserve your blog name on social media platforms before they are taken by others.

On Day 3, your task is to set up your blog. Congratulations on becoming a blog owner! This is an exciting decision that you won't regret if you put in the effort. Starting is often the most challenging part of any new venture, but you've already taken that step. Investing money can be a great motivator to make sure you don't waste it. Now, it's time to set up your blog and make it visually appealing.

On Day 4, you will focus on writing the static content for your blog. This includes creating pages for "About Me," "Contact Me," and "Privacy Policy."

On Day 5, you will set up your menus, side bar, and permalink structure. This is the final step before you can begin writing blog posts.

Congratulations on your new blog! It's great to see it looking so good already. Instead of blogging every day, it's a good idea to make the plan realistic and achievable. If you're eager to do more, I suggest dedicating day 6 and 7 to researching blogs in your niche. You could also consider leaving comments on these blogs for an extra step.


Week 2 is all about writing and publishing your first two blog posts. Before you start writing, it's important to brainstorm ideas for your blog and decide on categories for your posts.

On the first day, it is essential to brainstorm ideas for your blog posts. Before diving into writing your first post, it is recommended that you begin by determining the categories for your blog and then generating ideas for each category. It is advisable to create foundation posts, also known as cornerstone blog posts, for each category. These foundation posts play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) as they help search engines comprehend the theme and structure of your blog.

Day 2 is all about starting your first blog post. Don't worry about making it perfect because you can always make improvements later. Write something and get it out there. Remember, no one will read your first draft, so give yourself permission to write a "terrible" one. Edit it afterwards for better results. Writing first and then editing is easier than trying to edit while writing.

On Day 3, you will publish your first blog post. It's normal to feel nervous about it, but don't worry because hardly anyone will read it. This should actually encourage you since knowing that no one will read it makes it less intimidating. Remember not to stress about making your blog post perfect. Just put it out there and you can always improve it later when you have more experience writing blog posts.

On Day 4 and 5, your task is to write and publish your second blog post, which is known as the cornerstone post. After successfully completing your first post, writing the second one should be easier. You can choose any of your cornerstone blog post ideas to write about. If you're feeling stuck or experiencing writer's block, don't worry! I have included a reading on overcoming writer's block that might help you.

Congratulations on completing your second week and successfully publishing your first two blog posts! You have accomplished a lot in these initial weeks and have positioned your blog for success.

For days 6 and 7, there are no specific tasks assigned. However, if you wish to do additional work, you can consider conducting further research or leaving comments on other blogs. Alternatively, you can also write and publish another cornerstone blog post.

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