12 ways to build a good reputation at work

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12 ways to build a good reputation at work

12 ways to build a good reputation at work

On your first day at work, the primary task is to earn the trust and respect of your coworkers. This can go a long way toward assisting you in achieving your professional objectives and making many of your obligations more manageable on a day-to-day basis. The same can be stated regarding your client's perception of you.

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Some professionals may be perplexed as to why you should care about what other people think. That is both reasonable and admirable. However, if you establish a solid reputation at work, you will reap a number of rewards, including more promotion (and pay), access to more interesting projects, and increased involvement in important decisions.

You also don't have to sell your soul in order to establish a solid reputation. Simply show others that you're in it to win it without being a jerk. Your total reputation can help you get a competitive advantage in your job, career, and life.

As a result, consider our advise if you want to establish a positive and solid professional reputation.

You utilize meeting times well

Meetings get a bad rap for a reason. Meetings, on the other hand, don't have to be the most draining portion of your day; they can be the most energizing (seriously).

You'll need to do a few things to make it happen. Attending meetings necessitates performing the pre-readings and having questions ready. It also entails avoiding talking on your phone or using your computer throughout the meeting, but rather concentrating on what is being spoken. When it comes to calling your own meetings, this entails only doing so when absolutely required and ensuring that future steps are well-defined. This demonstrates that you are organized and respect the time of others.

Meeting with coworkers may be quite fruitful if you are prepared, attentive, and action-oriented. Running excellent meetings and attending other people's meetings will considerably enhance your professional reputation. There's another advantage to following this advice: you'll have fewer meetings, and the ones you do have will be more entertaining.

Express your viewpoint with tact

As an employee, keep in mind that you were employed because you had the skills and information necessary to improve the organization. As a result, your input is incredibly valuable.

If you want to build a positive reputation, remember that it's far preferable to express yourself tactfully rather than brutally or not at all. You can avoid delivering a side dish of rudeness by offering your opinions in an appropriate manner, for as by suggesting rather than questioning.

As a result, you'll not only demonstrate that you're easy to work with by delicately discussing your thoughts, but you'll also demonstrate that you're knowledgeable and forward-thinking.

Share your knowledge.

In a world of open innovation, it's crucial to share sensitive information with coworkers, teams, and clients without worry of losing it. Creating chances for reciprocity can lead to new collaborations in the name of innovation.

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You take charge of your own growth.

It is not your boss's or your company's responsibility to grow you. They can provide you with tools and comments to help you grow, but ultimately, it is up to you to grow.

Employees that work on themselves, set goals, and take charge of their own growth have a good reputation inside their company. Organizations prefer to invest in people who invest in themselves, so those who don't, well, they don't.

To do so, be as explicit as possible. Make specific goals for specific areas you wish to improve in, along with clear plans for achieving them. Don't claim you wish to improve your communication skills, for example. Instead, seek feedback from your coworkers on areas where you may improve as a communicator, and then endeavor to improve in that area.

The most important thing to remember, and to believe, is that growing as a person does not come from a place of weakness. Your ability to develop oneself is a reflection of your power.

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Keep your whining to a minimum.

We all know how difficult work can be at times. However, rather than whining to everyone in the office like your old aunt Jill on her porch, it's far preferable to channel your negative emotions into something more productive.

Complaining is a highly poisonous behavior, and complainers, as you might assume, don't have the best of reputations because they bring everyone else down and destroy great work environments. As a result, to avoid a shattered workplace reputation, try to come up with solutions or adopt an alternative perspective.

Always inquire about how you might be able to assist.

"Can you tell me how I can assist?" It seems simple enough, but if you mean it, it allows you to interact with others, share your skills and/or opinions, or simply listen. People who devote their time and energy to helping others are highly regarded. Why? Because neither appears to be in sufficient supply. As much as you care for yourself, acknowledge and care for others.

You are aware of your company's strategy and how it relates to your work.

Your employment does not need you to work on a deserted island. Your job is to assist your business in achieving its goals, and the nature of your work varies based on how your organization's strategy evolves.

You will stand out if you understand your organization's strategy and why it is shaped the way it is, and if you always adjust your work to fit your organization's goals. 

Be reliable 

Make it a habit to be reliable: accessible, dependable, accountable, likable, and reasonable. If you are not trusted to answer calls and emails, follow through on promises, accept responsibility, be courteous and respectful, keep an open mind, listen, and remain objective and clear-headed while solving difficulties, a client or colleague will not suggest you or stay with you for very long.

Instead of fighting change, you embrace it.

Many experts fall short in this area. They are continually fighting change, most likely because we are hard-wired as humans to oppose it. That's understandable, but the reality is that in the Age of AI, change is happening at a breakneck pace. Not only will you dramatically improve your reputation at work if you welcome change rather than opposing it, but you will also generate far more opportunities for yourself.

That doesn't mean you have to jump on board with every new project. Giving comments and making suggestions to improve something is completely acceptable. Rather than dismissing anything different out of hand, it's more about looking at the change objectively. Consider some of the most significant company shifts you've experienced. A CEO today is unlikely to be someone who refused to create an email address or get a website 20 years ago.

Leading teams through transformation is also quite difficult in practice. One of the finest ways to earn respect from your organization's top leaders is to welcome change – when it will benefit your company – and assist others do the same.

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Do exactly what you say you'll do

In a variety of ways, doing what you say you'll do will help you develop a great reputation at work.

To begin with, it demonstrates that you are a team member who can be relied upon and who strives to perform properly. Second, it demonstrates that you are trustworthy and capable of maintaining trust in all aspects of the workplace. Finally, it demonstrates that you know what you're talking about and that you can handle pressure, both of which are important qualities in a successful person.

You treat others with decency and respect.

"Nice guys finish last," I believe, is one of the most inaccurate business statements. Being a generally good person who treats others with respect and decency gives you a significant competitive advantage at work.

Why? Persons like to put their money into people with whom they enjoy spending time. You'll have more opportunities, not less, if you continually treat people with respect. People who treat others badly, on the other hand, do not seem to endure long, even if they are gifted.

This should not imply that you are a softie or that you allow others to walk all over you. It simply means that you pay attention to people when they speak to you, that you open doors for people who have items in their hands, that you say "please" and "thank you," and so on.

Courtesy has a huge impact on how people perceive you. So make an effort to be courteous and pleasant to everyone in the office, regardless of their position. So, you want to have a good reputation at work? It all starts with a simple act of kindness.

Know everything there is to know about the product 

Know your product, your clients' product, and your organization inside and out so that you may be viewed as an authority in your field. If you can't be the trusted, go-to expert who can deliver helpful and correct advice, no amount of EQ, IQ, or charisma can help you.

 Develop the habit of humble Inquiry

Most of the time, we're either "telling" folks something or asking a leading question. However, when we practice humble inquiry - the art of asking questions to which we honestly don't know the answers – we develop a new sort of trust and a reputation as a good leader. When the risks are low and you're tempted to give a quick response, ask a foolish inquiry instead.

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