How to write a good elevator pitch

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How to write a good elevator pitch

How to write a good elevator pitch

The elevator pitch (also known as an elevator speech) is a brief, compelling statement that you give to introduce yourself, your product, or your company. Its goal is to swiftly and simply convey the notion in order to pique people's curiosity in who you are and what you do. Short enough to get your point across whenever and anywhere—even during a quick elevator ride—an elevator pitch should be no more than 30-seconds long at most (hence the name).

When deciding who to pitch, go for the best point of contact rather than the highest point of contact. Selecting connections who are linked to or interested in what you're selling will increase your chances of closing the deal.

A strong elevator pitch can mean the difference between obtaining your next big job and falling short of the competition. People, on the other hand, want to have meaningful interactions without being pressured into buying something. So, how can you sell yourself in an authentic way at a job interview or a client meeting?

When Should an Elevator Pitch Be Used?

Some people believe that this type of information is only beneficial for salesmen who need to market their goods and services. You can, however, employ an elevator pitch in a variety of scenarios.

One could be used, for example, to present your company to new clients or customers. You may use one to pitch a fresh idea to your CEO or to inform folks about a change initiative you're running. You may even make one to describe your occupation.

Your elevator pitch can also be used to introduce oneself at networking events and mixers. Have your pitch ready to share with folks you meet whether you're attending professional organization programs and activities, or any other form of gathering.

During job interviews, especially when asked about yourself, you can use your elevator pitch. Think of your elevator pitch as a reduced version of your response to the inquiry "Tell me about yourself" that interviewers frequently ask.

What is the value of an elevator pitch?

A solid elevator pitch is crucial since it is a powerful tool for demonstrating your professional acumen, capabilities, and abilities. An elevator pitch can be used in a variety of contexts, making it very important. If at all feasible, have some talking points about yourself prepared (so you can seize unforeseen opportunities), but an elevator pitch is especially useful during a job search.

Your pitch can be used to help you prepare for an interview. You'll be asked to provide an overview of who you are, your background, and what you want from your next employment from the phone screen to the in-person interview. When it comes to answering the common interview question "tell me about yourself," the elevator pitch might be a useful foundation.

When talking about your job or objectives, one advantage of giving an elevator pitch is that you can demonstrate your ability to lead. You can assertively convey what you have to offer rather than waiting for the other side to move the conversation away from what you'd like to discuss. This can impress your audience in many situations, such as a job interview or a mentorship proposal—they will be glad to see you know what you want and how to ask for it.

Related: Scared about your interview? Here’s how to ace it!

Developing an elevator Pitch 

Getting your pitch just right can take some time. You'll probably go through numerous drafts before settling on one that's both intriguing and natural in conversation. To make a fantastic pitch, follow these steps, but keep in mind that your approach will need to change based on what your pitch is about:

1 Introduce yourself.

A solid pitch always begins with a brief introduction. It might be as simple as mentioning your name and employer. However, the more personal you can make your elevator pitch, the more natural it will appear. Body language, as well as eye contact, are crucial components of a strong introduction. Here are some pointers to bear in mind while approaching a new possibility.

Greet your audience in an appropriate manner for the situation. For a professional presentation, dress formally; for a fun occasion, dress more casually. With virtual business meetings and networking events, you'll need to get creative with your video chat introductions. To break the ice, you could start with a light-hearted joke. But whatever you do, make sure it's pertinent to your target market.

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2. Describe your work in a few sentences.

Here you'll offer a quick overview of your background. Include the most important details, such as your schooling, employment experience, and any major skills or abilities. If you're stuck for ideas, try scribbling down everything that comes to mind. After you've recorded it, go through it and cut out anything that isn't absolutely necessary for discussing your background and why you have what your audience needs (you might consider the most important highlights on your resume). Once you've narrowed it down to a few key elements, arrange them in a way that makes sense inside your narrative.

3. State the problem 

Every solution must begin with a problem. Whatever problem you or your company is attempting to tackle, it's critical to get your message over early in your elevator pitch in order to establish a theme for the rest of your speech. Coordination of work between teams is a good example of a difficulty.

If at all possible, use real-life examples to connect the problem to your audience. This will help to make the issue more relevant and, perhaps, capture the attention of your audience. If your problem is difficult to describe, use multiple examples or a visual to help your audience visualize it.

4. Provide a solution

If the audience is drawn in by the problem, the solution is what keeps them there. This is your opportunity to demonstrate why they require your assistance. Spend time developing the answer, which is perhaps the most crucial component of an elevator pitch. If you're presenting a business, the quick solution pitch is almost certainly already in place. 

However, it is always preferable to tailor your proposal. So don't be scared to make changes to make it more appealing to your target audience. If you're pitching yourself, talk about the distinctive skills you've developed and how they'll help your prospect.

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5. Describe the value you offer.

Now that you've aroused your audience's interest, it's important to close the deal by demonstrating why your solution is superior to others. The value proposition is distinct from the solution in that it focuses on why your audience should choose your solution over that of a rival. If you don't know, conduct a competitive analysis to compare your offers or consult your executive summary.

Look to communication and interface capabilities if your industry is exceedingly niche and you don't have a clear difference or strong competitors. Consider why your solution or idea is unique enough for someone to want to utilize it.

6. Finally, make a call to action.

You should ask for or state what you want to happen next at the end of your elevator pitch. Start with the purpose of getting fresh information or establishing next steps if you believe an elevator pitch is appropriate for a given occasion, e.g, requesting for a meeting, showing interest in a job, ensuring you've answered an interview question completely, or asking someone to be your mentor. It can be frightening to ask for what you want, but it's critical that you don't let the conversation stall. Remember, you've just just met this individual, so keep it basic.

Thank them for your time and collect their contact information if they agree to your request. "Thank you for your time, I'll send you a follow-up email tonight," for example, is a succinct and action-oriented farewell. "Have a wonderful day!" If they refuse to comply with your request, politely terminate the conversation with, "I understand, thank you for your time!" If that's okay, I'll write you a follow-up email to see if we can meet at a more convenient time."

4 pointers to help you nail your elevator pitch

Along with perfecting your elevator pitch, you should also concentrate on improving your delivery. Nothing is more annoying than sitting through a dull presentation, so make sure yours is everything but. There's a lot you can do to make sure you look professional and competent, from posture to tone. When attempting to nail an effective elevator pitch, keep these four suggestions in mind.

1. Follow your outline.

Sticking to your outline, at least to some extent, will help you stay on track and avoid going off subject. It's best to memorize the majority of your pitch, even if you don't have to recite it word for word. You won't have to worry about double-checking your notes this way.

2. Speak clearly and slowly.

When people are nervous, they prefer to speak quickly—hey, we're only human. However, it is critical to pronounce and talk slowly enough for the audience to comprehend you. This is especially true while giving a presentation via video chat. However, don't proceed too slowly or you'll end yourself going over your permitted time.

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3. Make a recording of your pitch

To work on any areas that require improvement, record yourself repeating the pitch. Practice your pitch a few times by listening to the audio and smoothing out any kinks. Speed and tone are two important factors to consider. It's preferable to sound energised rather than monotonous.

4. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

There's no better way to improve your pitch than to practice it until you can recite it in your sleep. If at all feasible, practice in front of friends and family to receive comments on how to improve your pitch. Even if you have a lot of expertise, it's never a bad idea to be too prepared.

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