How to Write an Undergraduate CV

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How to Write an Undergraduate CV

How to Write an Undergraduate CV

You are about to graduate from college and launch a notable career. If your interests lie in medicine, research or postsecondary teaching, writing an undergraduate Curriculum Vitae will prepare you for the next step. An undergraduate CV is a synopsis of scholarly experience, awards, publications and presentations. Unlike the pithy one-page job resume, an undergraduate CV is two pages of detailed content that communicates the depth of your rigorous academic work.

Formal Education

Begin your undergraduate CV with your academic credentials. If you have earned more than one undergraduate degree, list the most recent first. If you haven’t graduated, list your anticipated completion date. List your GPA and class ranking if you were an honor roll student.


Anywhere University Somewhere, USA

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics May 2018

GPA 3.65/4.00; class rank: top 10%

Research Projects

Prospective decision makers reading your CV will be impressed with undergraduate research experience. Capitalize on this by highlighting solo and collaborative research projects. Don’t leave anything out. If you have served as a research assistant, attended a summer research program or have been selected as a research scholar, list it in this section.



•Math Scholars Summer Research Program, Southern University

•University Research Scholar, Southern University


Undergraduate Research Assistant, Mathematics Department, Northern University

Publications and Presentations

Developing a professional reputation begins with publishing or presenting your academic work. If you have published or co-published, list that first. Publications and presentations should be listed in the format used for research papers in your discipline. If presentations have been your claim to fame, drop publications from the section title.



Johnson, A. (2018). Writing an undergraduate CV. Mathematics Journal, 500, 4-12.


Johnson, A., & Johnson, B.W. (2018, March). The nuances of writing an undergraduate CV. Poster session presented at the Annual Convention of Professional Resume Writers, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Volunteer Experience

Volunteer experience demonstrates your commitment to being a global citizen and an interest in your chosen discipline. You don’t need to list every activity or organization from your student experience. Instead, confine your list to those initiatives that are consistent with your academic pursuits.


•Job Shadowing, K & M Accounting Firm

•Volunteer, City Free Clinic

•President, University Mathematics Club

Awards & Scholarship

Use this section to showcase how you have been recognized for your academic achievement. Include scholarships, awards and other recognition that shows how you have risen to the top. Don’t be shy. Awards and scholarships will set you apart from others.


•Presidential Scholarship

•Rotary Club Scholarship

•STEM Talent Grant

•Mathematics Student of the Year

•Outstanding Volunteer Award

•Undergraduate Research Project Honoree

Finish Line

You may choose to add sections listing achievements and experiences that do not fit neatly under other categories. Because there is no standard format for a CV, you may customize it to accentuate skills and experiences directly related to your major. Omit the fraternity trip to Cancún and focus on academic endeavors.

For example, describe internships, practicums, clinics, special skills, languages spoken, study abroad, software proficiencies, capstone projects and fellowships.

Professional References

References can be included in the last section of your resume or attached as an addendum on an additional sheet of paper. Positive evaluations from faculty instructors and advisers can be quite helpful in finding a job or gaining admission to graduate school. Seek permission from references before listing their name, title, employer and contact information.


Dr. Abdul Mawah, Chair of Mathematics

Colorado State University

(303) 678-2345

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